Green Street Expands into Canada with Trusted Research, Proprietary Data/Analytics & Exclusive News

Green Street’s Canada products combine our time-tested research approaches with exclusive news you can’t get elsewhere for unparalleled insights on the region. Our commitment to independence, top-quality data, and proprietary methodologies continues to result in a proven investment recommendation track record. And our industry-leading, scoop-dominated news is relied upon by senior executives at the largest and most active firms. Green Street now offers similar value in Canada as we have delivered for 40 years in the U.S., U.K., and Europe, to help clients drive better decisions and returns.

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Research and Data
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Exclusive News
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Get a Walkthrough

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P R I V A T E   M A R K E T   C O V E R A G E

Independent and Actionable Research, Data & Analytics for the Private Market

Green Street publishes a multitude of reports each year that explain, forecast, influence, and empower the commercial real estate industry by providing a thorough understanding of the entire CRE ecosystem from a macro, sector, market, and company-level lens. Proprietary data and analytics power our reports and provide actionable insights to help investors make better investment and portfolio management decisions, mitigate risk, and raise capital more effectively.

NEW! Covering four sectors (Apartment, Industrial, Office, and Retail) across 10 key Canadian markets, Green Street's private market solution delivers in-depth market analysis and forecasts, cap rate and asset value time series, proprietary market grades, and a robust sales comps database.

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Company-level analysis, investment rec's, NAVs and 100+ portfolio and earnings metrics

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Analysis of supply & demand, operating fundamentals, and valuation for multiple sectors

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In-depth analysis of big picture trends impacting real estate investors

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How macro drivers impact real estate and pricing versus capital market alternatives

Company Reports
Quick Take Reports
Detailed NAVs
Company Analysis Data
NEW! Sector Outlook
Sector Updates
Sector Insights
Heard on the Beach®
Property Insights
Conference Insights
Weekly Pricing Review Data
Global Property Allocator



E X P E R I E N C E D   T H O U G H T   L E A D E R S

Meet Our Research Experts in Canada

These analysts are supported by an additional bench of real estate associates, making up Green Street’s large and experienced analyst team of 70+ research professionals providing views on the global economy down to individual properties and everything in between.

Research - Fred B (bubble)
Fred Blondeau
MD, Head of Canadian Research

Fred has spent nearly 30 years in the global equity research space focused in the portfolio and risk management sectors and was awarded the Starmine #1 REITs Top Stock Picker in 2020. He earned a Master’s of Science degree in Applied Finance from Université du Québec à Montréal and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Université Laval. Fred leads our Canada research with his decades of experience and expertise.


Research - Gaurav M (bubble)
Gaurav Mathur
Analyst, Canada Research

Gaurav has spent 10+ years in capital markets, primarily focused on REITs and private markets across multiple commercial real estate sectors. He earned an MBA from the University of Toronto as well as an MBA and Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS). He is a strong thought leader and has been instrumental in building Green Street's Canadian research platform.

Research - Cedrik L (bubble)
Cedrik Lachance
Director of Research

Based in California, Cedrik leads the global research team at Green Street comprised of more than 75 professionals. Throughout his 20 years with the firm, Cedrik has covered REITs and real estate markets in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. Cedrik earned an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Toronto, and a B.A. in History from Université Laval in Quebec.




P U B L I C   M A R K E T   C O V E R A G E

Comprehensive Sector & Company Coverage for the Public Market

We offer sound conclusions and expert investment advice on REITs and publicly-traded real estate companies, with an expansive coverage universe spanning 14 REITs and 4 sectors: Apartment, Industrial, Senior Housing, and Retail. Gain additional insights and value as we expand our coverage universe which includes adding more property sectors, companies, and markets across Canada.

NEW! Utilize Green Street's Company Analysis tool - along with the Detailed NAV models directly from our analysts - to analyze the most important components of Green Street's REIT valuation model, strengthen your financial analysis, and save time.

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A B O U T   O U R   N E W S

Green Street's Exclusive News in Canada

Green Street News delivers regular email alerts with exclusive scoops and market intelligence from a team of journalists who report on the biggest stories every day – from property deals, leasing and fundraising to the latest people moves – across key markets and every major sector, asset class and key topics in Canada, including: Corporate, Data Centres, Finance, Fundraising, Hotel & Leisure, Industrial, Leasing, Life Science, Office, People, Residential, Retail, and Student Housing.

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Short, direct summaries
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Smart, pithy market analysis
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Diverse & powerful perspectives
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Always objective and balanced



T E A M   O F   R E P O R T E R S

An Experienced Editorial Team

We have five reporters on the ground in strategic markets across Canada. Led by Matt Lamers, the team is laser-focused on breaking commercial real estate deal news, interviewing market pros and providing smart market analyses. The team is supported by Green Street News journalists in the U.S., U.K., and Australia with decades of experience covering the region.

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I N S I G H T F U L   S C O O P S

Recently Published Stories

  • 1-Oct-24-2024-08-22-31-1058-PM
    Vancouver shopping plaza listed at 2.3% cap rate - October 24, 2024
  • 2-Oct-24-2024-08-26-33-2369-PM
    Canadian Net REIT buys Sobeys property - October 24, 2024
  • 3-Oct-24-2024-08-27-10-9551-PM
    Days Inn by Wyndham Saskatoon floated for $16m - October 24, 2024
  • 4-Oct-24-2024-08-30-24-0854-PM
    Midrise rentals proposed near Toronto's Grange Park - October 24, 2024
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    Mixed-use office in Waterloo listed for $10m - October 23, 2024
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    Q+A: Fitzrovia's Pacht on challenging conventions in Canada's rental market - October 23, 2024
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    Crestpoint, Choice pay $254m for Loblaw portfolio - October 24, 2024

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    High-visibility Toronto retail space in play - October 23, 2024



S U B M I T   T H E   F O R M   B E L O W   T O   L E A R N   M O R E   A N D   S C H E D U L E   A   W A L K T H R O U G H

Interested in Green Street's Canada Products? 





Hear From Our Clients

Executive VP, Operations

"As EVP Operations for the largest class A enclosed shopping center and CBD office owner/operator in Canada, I can confidently recommend Green Street's timely insight and reports as important references that definitely help us in running our business. We often refer to Green Street's latest insight on shopping center and office trends and results in various world markets that they cover and use that information to corroborate and assess our own observations and plans for our Canadian assets."

Sal Iacono, Cadillac Fairview
Real Estate Company

Chief Investment Officer

“There is no substitute for the research, news, and data & analytics tools available via Green Street. Green Street provides a deep and research-based understanding of the real estate industry, both from a public and private capital markets perspective. Green Street’s products aid and support our underwriting of potential investments in our sector as well as in new real estate markets where we are not currently operating.”

Mitch Ritschel, Kisco Senior Living
Real Estate Company

Chief Executive Officer

“We switched to Green Street as their proposition was simply the best value for money. The depth, quality, and accuracy of their Research is unmatched – internationally. Green Street’s Research and Data is complementary to our investment process. We use their macro reports for signals to alert and inform us of where we should be directing our attention.”

Greg Rawlins, REITWAY Global